Every year, wildlife counts take place in the Netherlands. These counts record the numbers of red deer, roe deer, and wild boars. Based on the results, decisions are made regarding wildlife management in the country for the following year.

Counting wildlife by sight

Traditionally, wildlife is counted by spending several mornings and evenings in the field, noting how many animals pass by. These counts are recorded, and from there, the wildlife population is estimated. However, traditional counting is limited: it can only cover what is visible from the location where the counter is stationed.

Counting wildlife with a drone

The Darcap 25 payload now makes wildlife counting in an area much simpler. A drone equipped with the Darcap 25 flies over the region, and artificial intelligence on the payload identifies the wildlife present. A PDF report is generated from the results, which is then emailed to a pre-set address. It’s that simple. Other reporting options are also available.