Innovation in agriculture continues. Key objectives include reducing costs and meeting sustainability goals. This can be achieved by targeting crop treatments more precisely, which lowers the need for crop protection products. This approach is both more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. With Dronebotics’ latest technology with a AI drone payload in agriculture, real-time weed detection is now possible. 

Agriculture with a drone

Traditionally, weed detection involves a drone flying over farmland to capture photos. These images are then uploaded to a server, where software identifies the weeds, generating a task map for the tractor. 

Drone payload and AI in agriculture

With real-time detection, the server step is eliminated. The drone, equipped with Dronebotics’ drone payload Darcap 25 and artificial intelligence (AI), flies over the farmland. Our payload (what is a drone payload?) is powered by the advanced NVIDIA Orin NX chip, providing substantial processing power for AI, allowing weed detection to happen directly on the drone payload. Here comes AI drone farming, revolutionizing agriculture with precision, efficiency, and real-time solutions.

AI drone farming

Because of the real-time weed detection with AI on the drone payload, the task map for the tractor is ready shortly after the drone completes its flight, saving valuable time. It also simplifies spraying schedules, as spraying can begin immediately after the drone has flown.